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Photo du rédacteur: Anaïs-Monica McKayAnaïs-Monica McKay


My name is Anaïs-Monica McKay. I'm the optimistic and collectively ambitious person behind McKay & Co. I’m a collaborative innovation consultant, coach and facilitator. I have created McKay & CO in the midst of the COVID pandemic, with a deep motivation to be part of the cultural and structural shift that was happening in the society. I wanted to help create a sustainable ecosystem able to support the present and next generation of change makers, social innovators and courageous go-getters. My value proposition – collaborative innovation – couldn’t be more aligned with the new challenges brought by this crisis and this new brand world waiting for us out there, and already impacting our everyday life. With McKay & Co, I wanted to make my artistic and rebellious spirit, my experiences in community capacity building, and my knowledge of collaborative innovation contribute to solving things that matter to my clients, collaborators and organizations, and to help them have a greater impact into their communities.

Collaboration is the fuel that propels my work at McKay & Co. I simply defined it as working together, joining forces and teaming up. It is the pooling of resources, talents and opportunities. Innovation, on the other hand, is a deep transformational process at its core. It involves a lot of commitment and more than a cosmetic intention to change the world, or a wish for a “new” idea, project or product. From my experience, I know that a small community of innovative collaborators can generate a huge social impact and a large number of wicked solutions. But it requires work, effort and a sense of belonging to a community, a safety net. Because it’s a well-known fact that collaborative innovation is not the easy way. Yes, it's a risky and demanding process. Collaborative Innovation is about finding common ground, common identity, listening generously to each other talk, asking questions, and finding a new freedom to choose the next step. So, through McKay & Co, I’m aiming to foster all of this and to contribute to a world where all human beings and organizations get the opportunity to contribute to their society in a meaningful and fulfilling way. I believe that when given the chance, the confidence and the space, people can and want to work together to shape the world they live in.

Today, my intention as a collaborative innovation consultant, coach and facilitator is to help unleash the creative, imaginative and transformative potential of individuals and organizations toward a better future. I will support clients to develop stronger networks and more innovative working and collaborative cultures in their projects. I see my work with a collective intelligence lense, since it gives me tools to help them tackle complex strategic challenges, get a fresh perspective on projects, cross-pollinate ideas, experiment solutions while developing them, and bring excitement to the work we do together. My deep endeavour is to help people and organizations grow, thrive and tap into their unique zone of imagination, aspiration and power. And far and foremost, I’m longing to be the first lucky person that people and organizations go to when they have impossible crazy ideas to transform the world!

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